1000 Troy ounce silver bar VAT-free (storage in Switzerland)
Temporarily reduced premium

1000 Troy ounce silver bar VAT-free (storage in Switzerland)

VAT-free silver bars in combination with storage at Zurich, Switzerland. We store the bars on your name in a heavily secured storage facility.

1000 Troy ounce silver bar VAT-free (storage in Switzerland)

1000 Troy ounce silver bar VAT-free (storage in Switzerland)

a piece
1 week

1000 Troy ounce silver bar VAT-free

This silver bar has a weight of 1000 troy ounce (31.103 kilograms). We can store these silver bars in Zurich, Switzerland.

The silver bares are minted bij Asahi, a melter with the Good Delivery Status and acknowledged by the LBMA.

If you want to buy VAT-free silver bars, you have to choose storage at Edelmetaal Beheer Nederland. This is our exclusive partner for storing your precouis metals. Edelmetaal Beheer Nederland has two secured store locations, in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Zurich (Switzerland). Edelmetaal Beheer Nederland is licensed by the AFM to offer precious metals in combination with storage.

You can buy the 1 kilogram silver bars for a low premium. The premium of these bars is 2% above the silverprice. This premium contains costs for production, transport etc. We store these bars on your name at our warehouse in Loomis, Switzerland.

The annual storage costs are 0.90% of the silver value (VAT excluded).


1000 troy ounce

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